6 Tools for Businesses That Became a Must Over the Last Decade

Automation tools and business software have forever changed how businesses operate. Using certain tools is no longer optional, as businesses need them to remain competitive regarding their process efficiency and effectiveness.

With so many tools out there, it’s been difficult for leaders to settle on measures making the biggest difference. However, over the past decade, the following six tools emerged as must-haves for businesses worldwide:

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses store and access data and applications. They have eliminated the need for physical storage devices and on-premises infrastructure. Now, businesses can store, share, and collaborate on the cloud with a few clicks.

Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud are the most popular cloud providers. For successful implementation, businesses can choose a provider that meets their needs and train their staff to use it securely.

With the increasing need for remote work and digital transformation, cloud computing will continue to grow. There may soon be a day when all business data is stored on the cloud. If you’re not leveraging this powerful technology, it’s time to start now.

Password manager

New major breaches and vulnerabilities are exposed daily. Password managers are tools that securely store and manage passwords for various online accounts, ensuring better security and reducing the risk of password-related breaches.

Password managers also allow users to autofill login credentials, eliminating the need to remember and type passwords manually. Many password managers also offer features like two-factor authentication and password auditing.

Businesses should prioritize reputation when selecting a password manager. Using a reliable password manager will automatically reduce a significant portion of the cyber-related risk.

Social Media

Social media has become ingrained in our everyday lives. It has transformed how businesses connect with customers, build brand awareness, and drive sales. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram offer a range of unique features that can significantly impact public perception.

A strong social media presence boosts credibility and potential sales. Social media also provides valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and opinions, helping businesses make informed decisions and improve their products and services.

However, businesses must be careful when implementing their social media strategy. This means tailoring the social content based on the platform and its intended audience.

Collaboration tools

Remote teams and distributed workforces have become the new norm. Platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Google Workspace offer features like instant messaging, video conferencing, file sharing, and project management. These have become essential over the last few years.

Collaboration tools provide a centralized location for team communication and project documentation, boosting productivity. With the rise of remote work, collaboration tools will remain ingrained in businesses' operations for years to come.

Many business areas could benefit from collaboration tools. Businesses must identify these areas and look for solutions that will allow them to combine their collaboration efforts within a single platform.

Analytics tools

With increased digitalization, tracking and analyzing various metrics can make a big difference in a company's success. Analytics tools allow users to monitor website traffic, user engagement, conversion rates, and other vital data points. With these data points, businesses can make data-driven decisions.

Tools like Google Analytics, Mixpanel, and Kissmetrics offer many features like data visualization, custom reporting, and segmentation, making it easier for users to interpret and act upon data insights.

The right combination of tools is essential to maximize analytics actionability. Combining features and data points from different tools will strengthen your insights and their potential impact.

Customer relationship management (CRM) software

Managing customer relationships has always been a challenging yet gratifying task. CRM software is a powerful tool that has made it easier for businesses to manage customer interactions and streamline their sales and marketing efforts. Ideal outcomes of CRM software use include improved customer service, increased sales, and enhanced customer retention.

The best way to implement CRM software is to identify your business goals first. This could be managing customer data, tracking sales leads, or automating marketing campaigns. Then, select a CRM solution that matches your needs and budget, and customize it in a way that makes sense for your business.

Final thoughts

Significant technological advancements in the last decade have forced businesses to adapt quickly. The above tools have emerged as some of the most impactful for businesses of all sizes and industries.

As we move forward, technology will continue to shape the business world. Companies must stay up-to-date and continue leveraging the latest tools to stay ahead of the curve.


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